วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

Preserved egg soup coriander

Preserved egg soup coriander


Meat, fresh fish (chipping enough word), 200 grams 2 preserved egg froth Ginger for some length of Soi 2 tablespoon Cool coriander leaves (about 1 inch long) 1 / 2 cup Early resolution Soi 2 tablespoon onion. Chicken stock 3 cups water. Salt, white pepper sauce by a small meal.


chicken stock, water, Braised chicken with water. Put enough heat starts to shred some ginger 1-2 glasses start from boiled onion 1 soft light filtered water is approximately 20-30 minutes in a broth To include fish bones. Sweet taste is delicious. Grilled fish, but first to smell.

How do

soup. 1, sheep preserved egg shells. Split half and then put a piece lengthwise.

2, the water chicken stock. Preserved egg, put enough heat from electric light coriander and ginger broth about 10 minutes to clear color. Then do not put meat, fish boil approximately 2-4 minutes seniority salt sprinkle early drop by drop sauce raise scoop powdered onion pepper Serve hot. Note - Meat, fish, fresh fish, seasoned meat is used. Fish, red or white spot undergrowth. Fishing spot, but red meat is gluten undergrowth. Fish must be fresh, but actually it is delicious. - This dish soup coriander aromatic scent. Need to put more หน่อย coriander. Ginger and add to deodorize smell.

Email Address : molo999@gmail.com

